Monday, April 4, 2011

An appeal from Gen Secretary:

      Tommarrow KGIMOA is going to file a review in PG case.Review is mainly to get an order regarding this years admission.KGMOA is also doing it.They are collecting Rs10000 from each person in the seniority list.KGIMOA has also decided to collect Rs10000 from seniority top rankers up to 15th rank.Every unit should be alerted to contact Dr.Shibi,Treasurer for details.
In the new Pay revision order,Common special allowance was given to health services, but not to IMS.
( The order is as follows:# The common Special Allowance to Assistant Surgeon/Junior Administrative Medical Officer/JuniorConsultant, Civil Surgeon/Assistant Director/ Consultant, Deputy Director/Senior Consultant/Civil Surgeon(HG), Additional Director/Chief Consultant and Director @ Rs.3400, Rs.3600, Rs.4000, Rs.4500 and Rs.5000respectively will continue. This common special allowance will not be reckoned for fixation of pay for promotion since the same is attached to all grades).
So,our President and myself contacted the finance dept. It was a clerical error from their part , and that it has to be corrected soon.  We are again meeting concerned officials tomorrow to get it done at the earliest.
Kindly view our recent memorandums posted in the MEMO page and the exe meeting report posted in the EXE page of this blog.
Thanking  you all,
Dr.S.Radhakrishnan, Gen.Secretary,KGIMOA

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