Sunday, November 20, 2011

Executive meeting: Abstract:

Executive Meeting on 16th At TVM:
1.    The meeting discussed the issue of Soorya TV accusing the staff and IMO of The ESI Dispensary, Trivandrum for the deficiency in service on the last Hartal day.
2.    On that day, in the afternoon, the dispensary opened as usual, but after some time, the IMO, Dr.Radhakrishnan, suffered a fall from chair and fractured his wrist. He has to leave the dispensary to attend ortho consultation at a pvt. Hospital. He had to plaster his arm
3.    Soon after, the Soorya TV people arrived at the spot and cooked up a deliberate news show abusing the doctor and staff of criminal negligence. They also misguided our minister.
4.    As a result, the DIMS had to carry an urgent enquiry and the innocence of the doctor was confirmed.
5.    However, by the time the TV news has done its damage.
It deliberately insulted the doctor by saying that:
·         He absconded from the dispensary to attend his private practice omitting the fact that it was due to the fall and injury that he has to leave the dispensary. 
·         He was posted at the dispensary by punishment transfer.
·         A few other defamatory comments and omitting the fact although it was a hartal day and the doctor and staff have attended the dispensary purely on the good interests of the public (i.e., the insured patients).
6.    It is only truth that all these statements broadcasted by the Tv about the doctor are false and can be proven in a court of law.
7.    So, the motive behind the news appears to be a deliberate attempt by the Tv to defame the doctor and the staff of the dispensary on the basis of some hidden agenda and the whole event is the outcome of a preplanned, fabricated and manipulated made up news.
8.    It on the good interests of the doctors, staff and the Ips attached to the dispensary, that the truth should be brought out and explained to the public.
9.    So, the meeting observed that, it is the duty of the Tv to broadcast the truth and apologize to the public for spreading wrong news, as well as to pay compensation to the defamation caused to the affected individuals.
10.  As for KGIMOA, since its member as well as the state leader is attacked, it is prudent that the KGIMOA should fight and bring justice to our leader. Tomorrow the same threat can affect our other members. Doctors are not the models for TV mock shows. We have to protect our dignity.
11.   A minimum of one crore should be claimed as compensation to the defamation to Dr.Radhakridhnan, and to approach the court for the same at the earliest.
12.  KGIMOA also appeals all its members to boycott Soorya TV till the channels correct itself and become more honest.
long live KGIMOA

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