Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First Exe Meeting: A Report

First executive meeting of KGIMOA account year 2011-2012 was held at KGIMOA Hall, Thiruvananthapuram on 10-3-2011.Meeting waschaired by Dr.Anitha.s.sindhu,President, KGIMOA .All the district units except Kannur and Kottayam attend the meeting.
Meeting was held as per the agenda. During the meeting state secretary presented reports of KGIMOA from 7-2-11 to 9-3-11 and the meeting passed the report.
The meeting took the following decisions:
(1) KGIMOA state executive committee unanimously decided to give notice for non co-operation strike .The pay revision commission and the ministers sub committee ignored the demands of KGIMOA, in these circumstances KGIMOA has no other ways other than the strike. Understanding the difficulties of patients during a complete strike KGIMOA decided to go for non co-operation strike first .
The demands KGIMOA of are the following:
 (a).The government should merge the special allowance to basic pay(during the old strike government assured and published a GO saying that special allowance will be merged in the basic pay during next pay revision)
(b)ESI allowance is sanctioned to all the employees in esi department as per the pay revision GO, except for assistance insurance medical officers. That should be corrected.
(c)Pay revision commission clearly noted that all the allowances sanctioned to the health services doctors should be given to ESI department doctors also. But the sub committee ignored it and rejected the following allowances to ESI doctors:
(1)PG allowance
(2)Specialist allowance
(3)Rural and Difficult rural allowances
(4)Risk allowances
Authorities should take immediate steps to sanction all the allowances that are given to health services doctors to ESI doctors also
During the non co-operation strike ESI doctors will not carry the following duties:
(a) attend medical board duties
(b) attend monthly meetings
(c) send monthly reports
(d) attend medical camps
(e) carry extra duties or accept extra charges
If the authorities are ignoring the non co-operation move, KGIMOA will be forced to go for complete strike.
(2)ESI allowance was given to doctors to compensate their extra work, at that time it was fixed as the 20% of basic pay. Unfortunately it was not revised and is withdrawn now. So executive committee decided to give notice to ESI corporation through DIMS for revising the esi allowance as 20% of the basic pay and sanction it with retrospective effect.
(3)Kozhikode unit presented the pit falls in esi computerisation, committee decided to call another EXE meeting with in one month to discuss the same matter and to arrive at a decision. All the units should discuss the matter in their EXE meeting and come with clear idea in the next meeting.
(4)As the district units are running short of funds to carry day to day activities, EXE committee decide to give Rs.100 per member as CME fund to district units.
(5)From next year onwards membership will be collected from PG going doctors by the district unit belonging to the medical colleges.
(6)New building proposal will be discussed in next EXE.meeting
(7)EXE committee gave authority to president and secretary to take necessary actions and steps during the strike.
(8)KGIMOA doctors will show their protest against pay revision by wearing black badges during their official work on25-3-11 and it will be the forerunner of the strike. During that day doctors will explain the details of strike to patients.
With the above decisions meeting was adjourned.
                                                                     Secretary KGIMOA

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