Tuesday, February 8, 2011


The grant finale of KGIMOA 2010-2011 , The TRESICON was held at LULU international convention center on 6th feb 2011. Shri .P.C.Chako,M.P , inaugurated the function in the morning.
The Honorable minister, Shri P.K.Gurudasan, couldn't attend the function. His goodwill  message was read in the function.
Welcome speech was made by Dr.E.R Remesh, Chairman, Org.Committee.
The Tressicon News letter was released By our DIMS, Dr. Beenath.
Dr.Vijayakumar, Dr.Joy Jeorge,Dr.Shanavas,Dr.M.C Mathew,Dr.Gopakumar gave falicitations.
The annual general body meeting was held in the afternoon.
The Thrissur unit was awarded the best unit for complete CRF collection
The Kollam unit was awarded the Best district unit.

Dr A.P Muhammed,former President was requested to honour the post of Patron to guide the association.
New office bearers are elected as follows:
President:Dr.Anitha s sindhu
Gen.secretary: Dr.S.Radhakrishnan
vice president:Dr.Raveendran
Treasurer:Dr.Shibi Chirakkarot
The meeting ended with variety entertainments.
See some photographs now.....
Detailed reports soon...

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